手机版网易cc:《I Wanna Go》(CC-Club混音版)+(原曲MV)布兰妮新歌

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  《I Wanna Go》(CC-Club混音版)+(原曲MV)布兰妮、2011-06打榜的今年第三波,继续煽动你的激情手机版网易cc

  《I Wanna Go》是布兰妮(Britney-Spears),今年计划杨威Billboard流行榜的第三波,是在上个月中旬以单曲正式上线打榜发行的,空降Billboard流行榜就进入三十位内,算是给歌迷一个满意的交代手机版网易cc

  前几天在写Lady-Gaga的歌曲帖子时说过,Lady-Gaga的《The Edge of Glory》单曲和Katy-Perry的《E.T.》正在“恶斗”连连,不单如此,Katy-Perry的全新单曲也在六月下旬上线打榜加入战团,同时,对于Lady-Gaga和Katy-Perry的年度最佳的激战,还有很多“阻击手”在“搞乱战场”,其中Britney-Spears就是一个重量级的“阻击手”手机版网易cc。北美的娱乐媒体、包括Billboard的都一致评论道:“现在上半年已经过去,Lady-Gaga和Katy-Perry两人竞争“年度最佳流行”已经十分明显,不过今年正式复出发行新歌的Britney是最大的黑马,为此,评委和歌迷估计也是蛮纠结的。。。”

  今年Britney-Spears已经上线打榜的两首歌曲都是收个满堂红的,而《I Wanna Go》作为Britney-Spears的第三波单曲,估计又能回报一个不错的成绩的手机版网易cc。这当然了,《I Wanna Go》是由Shellback、Savan-Kotecha和老搭档Max-Martin合力打造的,可见又是“布姐姐”的一首精品单曲。不管怎样,Britney-Spears这么多年来有着广泛的歌迷基础,只要她认真做音乐,歌迷肯定受落的。

  《I Wanna Go》 Britney-Spears .

  Lately I’ve been stuck imagining

  What I wanna do and what I really think

  Time to blow out

  Be a little inappropriate

  Cause I know that everybody’s thinking it

  When the light’s out

  Shame on me

  To need release


  I-I-I wanna go-o-o all the way-ay-ay taking out my freak tonight

  I-I-I wanna show-o-o all the dir-ir-irt I got running through my mind

  I-I-I wanna go-o-o all the way-ay-ay taking out my freak tonight

  I-I-I wanna show-o-o all the dir-ir-irt I got running through my mind

  Lately people got me all tied up

  There's a countdown waiting for me to erupt

  Time to blow out

  I’ve been told who I should do it with

  To keep both my hands above the blanket

  When the light’s out

  Shame on me

  To need release


  I-I-I wanna go-o-o all the way-ay-ay taking out my freak tonight

  I-I-I wanna show-o-o all the dir-ir-irt I got running through my mind

  I-I-I wanna go-o-o all the way-ay-ay taking out my freak tonight

  I-I-I wanna show-o-o all the dir-ir-irt I got running through my mind

  Shame on me (shame on me)

  To need release (to need release)

  Uncontrollably (un-control-lably-lably-lably-lably)

  I-I-I wanna go-o-o all the way-ay-ay taking out my freak tonight

  I-I-I wanna show-o-o all the dir-ir-irt I got running through my mind

  I-I-I wanna go-o-o all the way-ay-ay taking out my freak tonight

  I-I-I wanna show-o-o all the dir-ir-irt I got running through my mind

  正如上面所说的,《I Wanna Go》单曲,是紧随着出自Britney-Spears广受好评的第七张专辑的冠军单曲《Hold It Against Me》及Billboard流行榜舞曲榜冠军单曲《Till The World Ends》脚步而来手机版网易cc。还有值得一提的是,Billboard流行榜报道称《Till The World Ends》及与Nicki-Minaj、Ke$ha合作的该曲混音版一道为Britney-Spears在美国赢得了八千七百万听众数,也是“Britney-Spears十二年半的歌手生涯以来最高的周听众数”,真的可喜可贺。

  MV里面的是《I Wanna Go》的原曲版本,是鬼才大导演Chris Marrs Piliero被钦点为这首单曲MV的导演精品,在轻松娱乐的女权主义的主题下也来个科幻演绎,的确是一部不错的微电影,值得收藏呀,哈哈手机版网易cc

  而天涯音乐盒的是北美著名的夜场俱乐部“CC-Club”的混音版本手机版网易cc。还是那样,在众多的官方和民间的混音版本中,精选再精选、精选了几首《I Wanna Go》的混音版与大家一同分享分享。

手机版网易cc:《I Wanna Go》(CC-Club混音版)+(原曲MV)布兰妮新歌-第1张图片-太平洋在线下载

标签: 布兰妮 Wanna Club CC MV
